Index of aviation articles

Aviation is the design, development, production, operation, and use of aircraft, especially heavier-than-air aircraft. Articles related to aviation include:

Contents: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZSee also


Accidents and incidents in aviation - ADF - Adverse Yaw - Aerobatics - Aerodrome - Aerodrome Mapping Database (AMDB) - Aerodynamics - Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) - Aeronautical chart - Aeronautics - Aerospace - Aerospace engineering - Aileron - Air Charter - Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) - Air Freight Terminal - Air Traffic Flow Management - Airband - Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME) - Aircraft Maintenance Technician (AMT) - Aircraft Registration - Aircraft - Aircraft engine controls - Aircraft lavatory - Aircraft noise - Airfoil - Airline Transport Pilot License - Airline - Airliner - Air navigation - Airport/Facility Directory (A/FD) - Airport - Air safety - Airship - Airshow - Airspace classes - Airspeed - Airspeed indicator - Air traffic control - Air traffic controllers' strike of 1981 - Altimeter - Altitude - Angel Flight - Angle of attack - Angle of incidence - Anhedral - Anti-torque pedals (Helicopter rudder pedals) - Artificial horizon - Aspect ratio (wing) - Assisted take off - Attitude indicator - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast - Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) - Autorotation (helicopter) - Autorotation (fixed-wing aircraft) - Autopilot - Aviation - Aviation Archaeology - Aviation History - Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) - Aviation Safety - Aviation System - Aviator - Avionics


Balloon (aircraft) - Bird strike - Blast pad - Blimp - Bypass ratio


Canard - Center of gravity (aircraft) - Chord (aircraft) - Circuit (airfield) - Civil Air Patrol (US Air Force Auxiliary) - Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) - Cockpit - Cockpit voice recorder - Coefficient of lift - Common Use Self Service (CUSS) - Collective - Commercial Pilot License - Compass - Compressor stall - Controlled airspace - CTAF - CVFR - Crab landing - Cyclic - Air Charter


Deep stall - Delta wing - Dihedral - Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) - Drag - Ducted fan - dumb-bell - Dutch roll


Elevator - Elevon - Emergency Locator Transmitter ELT - Empennage (tail section) - ETOPS - Experimental Aircraft - Eurocontrol (European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation) - Empty Weight - Environmental and climate impacts of aviation


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA - US authority) - Fixed base operator - Flame holder - Flap - Flight - Flight control surfaces - Flight data recorder - Flight envelope protection - Flight instruments - Flight level - Flight management system - Flight plan - Flight planning - Flight simulator - Flight training - Fly-by-wire - Flying - Flying car (aircraft) - Flying Families - Flying wing - Form drag


General aviation - Glass cockpit - Glider aircraft - Glider (sailplane) - Glider pilot certificate - Gliding - Go around - GPS - Great-circle distance - Ground effect


Heading indicator - Hold (aviation) - History of Aviation - Helicopter - Helicopter flight controls - Hypermobility


ICAO spelling alphabet Instrument flight rules (IFR) - ILS Instrument landing system - Instrument rating - Indicated airspeed - International Air Transport Association (IATA) - International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) - Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio Integrated Engine Pressure Ratio (IEPR)


Jet Airliner - Jet engine - Jetliner - Jetway - Joystick


Landing - Landing T - Leading edge extension - Lift (force) - Lift-induced drag - Light Sport Aircraft


Maintenance - METAR - Meteorology - Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul


- Non-directional beacon (NDB) - Non-towered airport - Navigation


Oshkosh Airshow - Overhead join


Performance envelope - Pilot Controlled Lighting - Pilot licenses - Pilot licensing and certification - Pilot Reports (PIREPS) - Precision Approach Path Indicator - Private Pilot License - Propeller - Pushback


QFE - QNH - Q code


Radar - Reciprocating engines - Red square - Relaxed stability - RIAT - Roadable aircraft - Rogallo wing - Rudder - Ruddervator - Rule of three (aviation) - Runway - Run-up (aviation)


Sectional chart - Signal square - Spatial disorientation - Spar - Spin (flight) - Spoiler (aeronautics) - Slats - Slip landing - specific fuel consumption (propeller engines) - Specific fuel consumption (thrust) (jet engines) - Sport pilot certificate - Stall (flight) - Standard day - Stick shaker - Student Pilot Certificate - Swedish Civil Aviation Administration - Swing-wing


T-tail - Takeoff - Taxiing - Taxiway - Terminal area chart - Thrust vectoring - Traffic pattern indicator - Transatlantic flight - True airspeed - Turbine Engine - Turn and bank indicator


Uncontrolled airport (see Non-towered airport) - Uncontrolled airspace


V-tail - Vertical speed indicator - Vertical stabilizer (fin) - Visual flight rules (VFR) - Vne - VOR VHF omni- range (type of navigational beacon) - V Speeds


Waverider - Wide-body aircraft - Wind shear - Wing - Winglet - World aeronautical chart

See also